
Monday, May 27, 2013

Movie Reviews 2013

The Great Gatsby

There is a lot of controversy over this film right now, and to be honest, I can see and respect both sides. I really enjoyed the movie. That being said, it is extremely flashy, stylized and exaggerated, which is one of the factors that turned many audience members away. One of the common complaints is that the film isn't an accurate portrayal of the story as it took place in the 1920's. That's true- this movie is very modernized. However, I found it extremely compelling from a cinemagraphic point of view. Especially since The Great Gatsby has been adapted into a film before, I appreciated the attempt at telling the same story in a very different, more romanticized way. I think the heightened drama of it reflects themes that were portrayed of the book, and perhaps people just aren't seeing that. The movie is a work of art in and of itself, and you have to watch it with an open mind in order to appreciate it. Sure, it's unusual to hear modern music thumping through the speakers as flappers perform, but that's the beauty of it! Anyone can recreate something to fit a factual mold. I respect the ambition of the film- and I thought that is was relatively successful in reinterpreting of the past in a way that people today could enjoy. That being said, I think the beginning of the movie was the weakest. I admit was not instantly hooked. In fact, I was doubtful at first. However, somewhere in the middle was a turning and I found myself completely immersed. DiCaprio and Maguire both gave amazing performances. 

Monsters University

I have to say, this is one of my least favorite PIXAR movies. That being said, it was by no means a horrible film. It's definitely worth a watch- just probably not worth spending the money to see it in theaters. I thoroughly enjoyed the humor poking at the lives of college students. It definitely strives to engage a wide audience, but falls short in comparison to other PIXAR films. 

Star Trek: Into Darkness

This movie was an unexpected gem. I enjoyed the first film, but didn't think the sequel would amount to much. I was proven wrong. First off, the cast is impeccable! Every character is portrayed perfectly which makes the story easy to engage with, even if you aren't familiar with Star Trek. That being said, the movie is nothing more than an action flick if you haven't seen the first one. It's a very emotion-driven storyline, so it is important to be connected to the characters beforehand. Benedict Cumberbatch gave an excellent and intriguing performance as the villain. However it's always Spock's storyline that grabs me. Overall there was a great balance of action, subtle humor and intense emotion. Definitely worth your time and money. I saw it twice and enjoyed it even more the second time around.