
Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Present is a Gift

There are people who live in the past, people who live exclusively in the present, and people still, who live in a constant state of striving for an optimal future. I'd consider myself a combination of the first and last, which goes completely against the age old theory of living in the moment
People who are capable of living just for the here and now are blessed, but perhaps they are missing out on some of the finer points of life. Letting go of the past is just an excuse for trying to forget your mistakes, or erasing painful memories. But those memories make us who we are. Without those prior experiences, we would not be the same people we are today. And while living in the past is physically impossible, some people will drive themselves insane trying to solve or correct their histories. But life isn't always a puzzle to be solved, sometimes it's just about learning to accept and deal with the things that have happened and using those experiences to guide yourself. The past is very important to me. I spend a lot of time reflecting and remembering the good and bad times I've had, and those memories help me determine who or what has made my life great, and what I wish to exclude or include in my life from that point on. What is it they say we accomplish from studying history? We learn from our mistakes, and build towards a better future. And speaking of the future, there's absolutely nothing wrong with planning ahead, setting goals for yourself, or dreaming big- just realize that "tomorrow" is always undefined. It's okay to strive for something you want as long as you already have everything you need. I'm a dreamer. There's no squelching that. I like to imagine what grand and phenomenal possibilities the future can offer. But that doesn't mean I'm unsatisfied with the present- it just means I have confidence in myself and who I have the potential to become if I'm given the opportunity.
So living in the moment is really just a lifestyle choice. Those people may seem happy and carefree, but it's only because they don't acknowledge the past or let the future burden them. In my opinion, life has more depth when you learn to balance all three time zones. The present is empty without a past and a future surrounding it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

10 Not-so-Guilty Pleasures

"Why are you're trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?"  

That is the question; whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of widespread judgement or to take arms against a shallow sea of people, and by opposing, lessen said judgement.
And yes, I did just go all "Shakespeare" on you. Sorry 'bout that. Moving right along...

Some people go through life, too ashamed to admit some of the ridiculous, unusual, or maybe embarrassing things that make them happy. But I'm here to say that if something makes you happy- embrace it! Share it with others! Because life is short, and suppressing your own happiness due to societal pressures is essentially the stupidest thing you possibly do. If you find that something tickles your fancy, odds are, it probably tickles someone else's fancy as well... (I realize that sounds slightly awkward- but it's just such a good phrase, I had to use it)! Point being: everyone has their undisclosed infatuations, and you'd be surprised by the unfathomably common mutuality of your guilty pleasures. So today I've compiled a list of 10 things that I love- and I've ranked them in order of ascending embarrassment as such:

#1) DISNEY MUSIC!!! No shame here. Anybody who knows me, knows I ADORE Disney music! There's no better way to de-stress from reality than to jam out to I'll Make a Man Out of You, Mine Mine Mine, Under the Sea, or Be Our Guest (just a few of my very favorites).

#2) Oatmeal Cookies. There really isn't anything shameful about liking oatmeal cookies- except HOW much I like them. Normally, when you're consuming something sweet, your body reaches a point of sugar overload where whatever you were eating no longer tastes good. Happens to me all the time, just not when I eat oatmeal cookies. If I to bake a batch right now, I could eat them all and want more. It's almost sickening, but there's just something about a warm, soft, oatmeal cookie that I can't get enough of!

#3) Facebook. Ridiculous, I know. It's sickening how the internet has absorbed all of humanity. Sadly, I am one of those people who is on Facebook quite a lot of the day. I used to hate people like that, but especially since starting college, Facebook has become pretty much the only way for me to keep in touch with all my long distance friends! And unfortunately 99.99% of my friends are long distance, so naturally I spend a lot of time creeping on them in order to keep myself updated. It's an addiction, but it satisfies my loneliness, thus bringing me happiness!

#4) Spy Movies. All I can say is that I've had a life-long obsession with everything spy-related and I blame it on my father. Due to the complete ambiguity of his work for the government combined his excessively frequent absence and constant traveling, I guess I grew up theorizing that my dad is in fact a secret agent, out saving the world rather than sitting behind a desk. In fact, before I was born, both of my parents had the highest possible level of top-secret clearance due to the nature of their work. (Naturally, I have no idea what it is they used to do...) And while everyone thinks I'm joking about my father being a spy- I can assure you, I'm not! And older I get, the more convinced I become. So I guess I enjoy spy thrillers because I feel I can relate to certain aspects.

#5) Knee Socks. I'm not sure why, but knee socks make me incredibly happy! I find them extremely comforting, if that makes any sense at all... for some reason wearing socks that come up so high gives me a feeling a security, and simultaneously makes me feel pretty geeky- in an awesome way. I don't think I own any knee socks presently, and now I have a rather strong urge to go out and buy some!

#6) Unconventional Vocabulary. I don't know why, but I've always loved using words that aren't commonly used, such as "snazzy" or "boustrophedonically"! It brings out my inner nerd I guess. Not to mention, I get great pleasure seeing people's reactions when I use these words in casual conversation.

#7) Tights and Leotards. This might sounds peculiar, but as a ballet dancer- I honestly feel more comfortable wearing tights and a leotard than anything else in the world. It's sort of bizarre because most people would consider that extremely UN-comfortable. But, they've become like my second skin- probably because I've spent about half my life wearing them. I guess I just feel the most "me" in them.

#8) Zac Efron. Random, but I can't deny it! His name has been tainted ever since High School Musical, but I (sheepishly) admit that I find him quite adorable... and contrary to popular opinion, I think he's become a pretty decent actor. [That was actually semi-difficult to admit because most people don't know that about me]

#9) Justin Bieber's Boyfriend. UGH- I am quite ashamed to say that this is one of my favorite songs to jam to while I'm driving. Let it be known that I am in NO way a fan of Justin Bieber- quite the contrary- but something about this song is extremely catchy to my ear, and despite the stupid lyrics, I cannot resist singing along when I hear it!

#10) Guys with British Accents. I've put this at the top of my list, not because I'm afraid to admit it- but because it's embarrassing how much joy it brings me. Guys with British accents are pretty much my favorite thing in the entire world! Their voices melt my heart and make me giddy like the way you get when you see an adorable baby animal. And the 2012 London Olympics this summer certainly only escalated my love of the English. (And, on the topic of British accents, I must admit that my all time favorite romance movie is Letters to Juliet because the character Charlie is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread!)

And there you have it, my friends. Ten unusual things that bring me joy!
So what are your guilty pleasures???

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Prompt #1

One thing I'd really like to do in my lifetime is publish a book. So, in effort to keep me on my toes and maintain my writing skills, I'll be posting short little tidbits such as this, using various creative writing prompts as inspiration.

What can happen in a second?


A second could mean the difference between
life and death
love and hate
war and peace

In one second...
A object entering Earth's atmosphere can travel 44 miles
A human eye can blink seven times
Light travels 186,000 miles
A hummingbird beats its wings 50 times
Earth advances 18 miles in its orbit around the sun
Four babies are born and two people die

But a second could also be just that. A second. A small fraction of our lives in which nothing much happens aside from the passing of time.

A second is what you make it, so make every second count.

Makes Me Happy

I don't know about the rest of you, but every once in awhile, as I'm venturing through the virtual expanse we know as the internet- I come across something hilarious or inspiring or something that, quite frankly, just makes me happy! This is one of those things! If you haven't seen it, please do yourself a favor and watch it! It's well worth your while, and if nothing else, it will take you on a fantastic journey back to your childhood.
                           Behold the One Man Disney Medley


Now, I could go on a rant about how amazing that was, but instead I'll just leave you to form your own opinion. Long story short, this guy is rapidly gaining recognition and I wanted to be the one to share the awesomeness of Nick Pitera with you!

PS. If you like Phantom of the Opera or Les Miserables, you should check out the links below! They are equally incredible videos! Enjoy!

                                            One Man Phantom


                               One Man Les Mis